Sad or So Sad

Foxtrot Trotting Away

April 23, 2024 Alex, Francesca & Berkley
Foxtrot Trotting Away
Sad or So Sad
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Sad or So Sad
Foxtrot Trotting Away
Apr 23, 2024
Alex, Francesca & Berkley

While we are so happy to be back for episode 3, we are SO SAD that our conversation centered around the closing of all Foxtrot stores. The news just did not feel real, so we had to unpack it with y'all as soon as possible. Berkley also shares a few anecdotes from the last few days. We're so happy to be chatting with you. We just have one question: is it sad or so sad that Foxtrot is no longer?

Show Notes

While we are so happy to be back for episode 3, we are SO SAD that our conversation centered around the closing of all Foxtrot stores. The news just did not feel real, so we had to unpack it with y'all as soon as possible. Berkley also shares a few anecdotes from the last few days. We're so happy to be chatting with you. We just have one question: is it sad or so sad that Foxtrot is no longer?